The fine line between fearfulness and excitement, closing-in darkness or a more forgiving space, away from the bright and exposing rays of the sun, represent a psychic space that holds great potential for growth and healing.

What does the night represent?

Many people feel at their pick at night, they write better, focused and feel more alive.

Some scenes in our dreams take place in the dark or at night.

The night may feel more dangerous. Most people would not go for a mountain hike at night, animals may be lurking in the dark and one may feel a mysterious atmosphere that can paralyze or pump up adrenaline.

This fine line between fearfulness and excitement, closing-in darkness or a more forgiving space, away from the bright and exposing sun rays,  may hold great potential for growth and healing.

The night, just like other elements in our world is a symbol, representing the shadows inside us, the elements of self that we may be repressing or suppressing, parts of personality deemed unacceptable by our family, culture, spiritual affiliations or media.

Working with those shadow parts is important, they hold the potential of invigorating us and giving us deeper sense of self. But just as we would not go alone into the dark woods, so it is with shadow work, we want to be gentle and take little steps towards more internal balance and wholeness, feeling safe and supported.

For further reading about the shadow, read Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche By Robert A Johnson